Trusted Technology for Super Caregivers!
A 2014 federal report said the majority of adverse events in nursing homes were caused by inadequate monitoring, failure to provide necessary or appropriate treatments, or inadequate care plans. Among the surveyed nurses, 28% said they did not have enough time or resources to perform adequate patient surveillance.
In order to solve inadequate monitoring and help super caregivers provide the best care possible, Super Nurse Call offers motion sensors for both our wired and wireless nurse call systems. These motion sensors can help in a variety of ways, including notifying caregivers if a patient gets up from their bed, moves around their room, and can even identify if a resident enters a prohibited or restricted area.
The Super Nurse Call motion sensors are very easy to install, mount to ceilings or walls, and come with adjustable sensitivity. If you would like to set them to monitor a specific area, or only monitor during certain times of the day, these features are easily configured.
Give your staff and patients the confidence that should there be an emergency, everyone will be alerted right away. For more information call us at (888) 568 – 0008.